
MIDI Delight does not allow commercially made and/or copyrighted MIDI files on this site. All files were made by their respected owners, individuals, amateur and professional alike. These files were made for the public by the public. We are not responsible for the files opened and/or downloaded from this site. Use them at your own risk. If you are looking for commercially made MIDI files, then please go here for a list of high quality and commercial links.

The MIDI files on MIDI Delight are for informational, educational, entertainment, and review purposes only. No commercial gain is realized from MIDI Delight, and is strictly non-profit. Copyright infringement is not intended in regards to the composer or any of the composer's entities.

These files have been scanned for copyright information before uploading, using a text editor, and if any copyrighted MIDI file has been found it is erased immediately. If you find that any of the MIDI files on this site are commercially made and/or copyrighted, then please contact us. We will have the files removed and erased as soon as possible.

If you are a MIDI file author and/or owner, please make sure that you have copyright information located somewhere on your files. You can visit the Federal Copyright Office for forms, instructions and general information about the copyright process.

Thank You,
MIDI Delight